Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Using Technology to Facilitate K-12 Instruction

     I often hear teachers that are close to retirement complain about learning a new computer application or about professional development regarding the use of new technologies on campus. On the opposite end, the newer teachers, usually those with an Iphone or a Facebook page are rearing to go as far as new technologies are concerned. Both groups fall into the current trend of use of technologies. Now how they both go about facilitating the use of technology in their classrooms vary-from I’m not doing it to I’m delivering my entire set of lessons through PowerPoint, SmartBoards, and Promethians. However, as technology continues to be implemented into classrooms most educators and researchers are starting to debate how teachers can effectively use technology for cognitive development and acquiring learning goals.
            Teachers are at the forefront of the facilitation of technology for learning. This is due in part to teachers being the catalyst for lesson ideas and design of activity. I recommend that teachers use web resources, and instructional magazines to keep up with trends and discover new tools. There is Tech & Learning Magazine which offers a print version and an online version found at http://www.techlearning.com/ .  Simple web searches will yield a plethora of lesson ideas; one can enter search terms such as technology lessons or using Microsoft office in the classroom.

Foon, H., & Thomas, B. (2007, June 7). Integrating technology into k-12 teaching and learning:    
     current knowledge gaps and recommendations for future research. Retrieved from
Nanjappa, A., & Grant, M. (2003). Constructing on constructivism: the role of technology. Electronic
        Journal for the Intergration of Technology in Education, Retrieved from
        http://ejite.isu.edu/Volume2No1/nanjappa.htm doi: ISBN 0-9718446-0-7
Robertson, B. (2008). Integrating technology into instruction. Retrieved from